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Neurolens Marketing CA
This report shows that an increase in reading speed is already realized after 30 minutes of Neurolenses wear and was more significant at 7 days and maintained beyond 7 days. Although there was an increase seen in reading speed with control lens wear, the effect with Neurolens wear was almost double over all the study visits from 30 minutes to 35 days.
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About Neurolens
Neurolens commercializes breakthrough technology to improve vision care. With patented Contoured Prism technology, Neurolenses are the first and only prescription lenses that go beyond visual acuity to provide comfort for many adults who complain of headaches, neck/shoulder pain and eyestrain when using digital devices, reading, or doing detail work. The Neurolens Contoured Prism design helps the eyes work together comfortably, bringing the eyes into alignment to relieve painful symptoms. Technology from Neurolens is only available to Independent Eye Care Providers.
Headaches? Eye strain? Eye misalignment could be the culprit. Find out if you're a candidate.
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